Andrew Wayne at Red Ex Vol IV, 2021
Photo Credits: Cam
Andrew Wayne, performing as Chopstick, playing Theremin at Naked Lounge, 2014
Photo Credits: Laura Marie Anthony
Andrew Wayne, performing as Chopstick, performing with modified Sequential Circuits Pro-One at Cafe Colonial, 2016
Photo Credits: Denise Chelini
Andrew Wayne, performing as Chopstick, performing on Cable Access show: Listen Up Sacramento, 2014
Photo Credits: Listen Up Sacramento
Andrew Wayne playing MOOG Rogue during the Instagon set at the last Casa De Chaos show, 2017
Photo Credits: Tube Mag, Anouk Nexus
Andrew Wayne, performing as Chopstick, performing with drum machines and noise pedals at The Colony, 2019
Photo Credits: Myron Fung
Andrew Wayne (he/they), formerly performing under the name Chopstick, has been performing publicly since 2006.
Andrew Wayne creates soundscapes, drone music, long ambient pieces, non-music, environment pieces. Utilizing binaural rhythm concepts each performance can be a meditative and sometimes scary experience. Each piece and performance is unique to the date and will usually not be duplicated. The compositions and patches are usually scrapped after each performance.
Starting in 2022, Andrew Wayne has been performing weekly on Thursday evenings at 6pm pacific on their twitch channel. Twitch performances start with a basic synth patch and explore in an unplanned process without much forethought. Patches and compositions are made from scratch every session. Being this open in my process, viewers can witness music evolve and change in an unplanned way.
The reviews are in!
“What the fuck is happening?!”
~ Overheard from a cluster of girls at the Crocker Art Museum, 2024/06/13
“Sometimes it’s good to be scared”
~Audience member after witnessing a performance at Luna’s Cafe
More news soon enough.
2024 – Samantha
his album was released in honor of the life of Samantha ‘Mya Mya’ Noodles, who had passed on March 17th, 2024.
This album consists of tracks recorded around 2019 that were never released officially. Portions of these recordings were used in bumpers for the Sacramento Audio Waffle virtual shows, featuring videos of Samantha and Elliott grooming themselves in slow motion.
This album is dedicated to all those that have loved a pet and had to say goodbye.
2024/06/13 – Andrew Wayne Live at the Crocker Art Museum Ballroom
On June 13th I had the big opportunity to make my silly little sounds at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, CA, as part of the Surrealist themed Art Mixer.
Thanks to Bill Burg, Lydia Frank, the Norcal Noisefest crew, 10th Street School of Noise, and the Crocker Staff for setting up this event!
Gear used:
– Theremin controlled Eurorack synthesizers
– Drums: Landscape NOON
2023 – Neurodivergent in the Streets, Sleepy in the Sheets
Neurodivergent in the Streets, Sleepy in the Sheets
This tape was produced for the ‘Neurodivergent in the Streets, Sleepy in the Sheets’ Northeast Summer Tour with farrah faucet, August 2023. 50 cassettes were made for the tour and the rest were sold or given away by rain and andy.
2023 – With San Kazakgascar:
– I was invited to play with San Kazakgascar at Luna’s cafe on August 15th, 2022 I played theremin alongside:
- Jed Brewer – guitar
- Rachel Freund – clarinet
- Greg Hain – bass
- Linda Michele Hardy – flute, harmonica, voice
- Matthew Kretzmann – synth
- With:
- Eric Janssen – didgeridoo
- Robert Rivasplata – synth & monotron
- Charles Sharp – bass clarinet
- Andrew Wayne – theremin
Chopstick Albums:
2017 – TONS – Split with KOMPRIPIOTR (Italy)
-TONS is a collaborative effort between KOMPRIPIOTR (Bolzano, BZ, Italy) and Chopstick (Sacramento, CA, USA). The idea was conceived in 2015 when the two had met at the NorCal Noisefest in Sacramento, CA.
KOMPRIPIOTR is Peter Holzknecht. Track notes:
TONS was recorded on Saturday, March 25th, 2017 at Kompripiotr’s living room in Bolzano, BZ, Italy.
NAPESAW was recorded in the same location on Thursday, May 4th, 2017.
CHOPSTICK is Andrew Wayne. Track notes:
TONS & Demogorgon2BC were recorded on Sunday December 4th, 2016 at Neon Noodle Studios in Sacramento, CA, USA.
100 records were made in total. 50 are available in the states through Chopstick. 50 are available in Europe through Kompripiotr.
2013 – Even Ghosts Can Have A Sense Of Humor – Live
-Even Ghosts Can Have A Sense Of Humor was recorded live at the NorCal Noisefest on 10/03/2013. The performance got a lot of great feedback that evening and I was happy how it came out so I quickly mastered it and put it on bandcamp the next morning. I try to record most of my shows but a lot of them will go on a hard drive and go unnoticed forever depending on how I felt about the set.
2012 – MSET Tape Release
-This is a short tape release that my friend Vankmen put out on his tape label: My Shit Eats Tapes. It’s ten minutes on each side. This was one of the first recordings where I experimented using solely free VST’s instead of real synthesizers.
2011 – Black Hole
-Black Hole contains 4 songs recorded at various points of time, yet the songs oddly work together for form a full piece. One song was recorded an entire year apart from the others. This was my second release on Love Earth Music. This album has gotten a lot of attention around and someone at WFMU had put it on a top noise album list of 2011 or 2012. I don’t have the link to that article unfortunately so you’ll just have to believe me until I can track it down. The Big Takeover did a fantastic review on this album back in 2012.
2008 – forgiveness please
-Forgiveness Please was my first label release on Love Earth Music. Steve from the label had approached me a year and a half prior. This album is a concept album, being one track with various parts. I did a lot of my first recording experiments with this one including freezing a contact mic to record the sound of ice melting and cracking around it.
From 2005-2007 chopstick had a few self releases. Each CD-R was released in homemade packaging and released in limited batches. I’ll eventually get these scanned and ripped and put on this page for download.
Super Deformed Chopstick Album:
Live and Dead
-Super Deformed Chopstick, or SDCHOP, started as a joke project. I was getting into chiptune programming and in relation I found a lot of tracker music which was somewhat of a big community in asia and europe in the 90’s. I called these first experiments ‘jizz-core’ and I don’t take them that seriously. I’ve since learned to make better music via programming, but these were still fun to put together. There was a band from San Diego that was trying to setup a show in Sacramento. I helped setup a show, however my chopstick stuff wouldn’t work with it so I decided to get a few friends in costume to dance to this stuff that I already had programmed. I was terribly out of shape and called it before the whole piece was done because I wouldn’t have been able to dance in costume for another 10-15 minutes. The first 7 minutes of this mix is my stuff and the rest was music I ripped from Nintendo and Gameboy games.
–2023 NF Comp – The Cable Connector Compilation
–2022 NF Comp – Don’t Touch That Dial
–2021 NF Comp – Noise Vaccine
–2020 NF Comp – Even A Pandemic Can’t Keep Us Quiet
–2019 NF Live Recording
–2019 NF Comp – In Theory and Practice
–2018 NF Live Recording
–2018 NF Comp – From the Island of Misfit Noise
–2017 NF Live Recording
–2017 NF Comp – I Like to Listen to Static
–2016 NF Live Recording
–2016 NF Comp – Twenty Years Later
–2015 NF Live Recording
–2015 NF Comp – Feel the Frequency
–2014 NF Live Recording
–2014 NF Comp – Dawn of the Planet of Noise
–2013 NF Live Recording
–2013 NF Comp – Intonarumori
–2012 NF Comp
–2011 NF Comp – Noise Warning
–2010 NF Comp – The Junk Drawer Is Open
–2009 NF Comp – Stop… Hey… What’s That Sound?… ROBOT FARTS
–2008 NF Comp – Your Feedback Is Appreciated
–2007 NF Comp – This One Goes To Eleven
–2006 NF Comp – No Maniacs Only
23 Seconds Ov Time
–2016 – 23 Seconds Ov Time Volume 13
–2014 – 23 Seconds Ov Time Volume 9
–2012 – 23 Seconds Ov Time Volume 6
–2012 – 23 Seconds Ov Time Volume 5
–2011 – 23 Seconds Ov Time Volume 2
–2010 – 23 Seconds Ov Time Volume 1
Eargasm Phantastic
–2014 – Creative Uncommons Cover Project
–2012 – An Eargasm Phantastic Tribute to Bowie and Prince
–1-Minute: A Compilation Of One Minute Songs
Instagon Related
–2014 – The Big California Noise Compilation
–2008 – Live at Vox – Lobs Birthday
–2007 – Hot August Noise 2007
Any recordings hosted under domain will be under the following Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND.
Any recordings hosted elsewhere will follow whatever copyright is listed there.

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